
Hack Upon Hack

By now you have probably heard that Equifax was hacked by cyber criminals several months ago.   They were kind enough to alert the public that the event happened nearly a month after they discovered the breach.  Over 148,000,000 people are likely affected. As if having your personal information, including SSN, DOB, addresses and credit card…


Fear Mongering to Motivate Home Ownership?

The ever entertaining and thought provoking NREP (National Real Estate Post), formerly known as TBWS (Think Big Work Small) challenges our national leadership and loan regulators to promote home ownership by easing qualification regulations.  /Shocking Zillow Renter Report The NREP blog also points out that the 50 year low in the home ownership index  may…


Short Selling in Divorce

For most divorces, a driving objective is closure.   One or both of the parties has generally reached the state of being “over it”.   Child custody, division of assets, and support issues are challenging.   But there is another issue which can rain frustration on a divorce like a monsoon, and that is the disposition of real…