
Fallacy of the Year – Some People (bankruptcy attorneys?) Say Foreclosure is no Worse for You than a Shortsale!

http://www.businessinsider.com/this-familys-nightmare-shows-why-foreclosure-auctions-aresuch-a-gamble-2012-6 Business Insider’s article tells some astonishing stories about foreclosures that are botched or otherwise create incredible hardships on both the homeowner and the home buyer! One of the big problems for Homeowners/Sellers is that they lose all control in foreclosure, whereas a home buyer in a foreclosure always has control and the option to…


Too Many Words?

If you’ve been reading blogs and articles on how to save your house from foreclosure and you are overwhelmed by it all, you are not alone – Like Mat Kearney’s song about having your back to the wall and getting that bank notice, the situation can seem dark. The answers can be hard. As loan…


Another RELS Short Sale Seller BUYS a new home the same week of Short Selling their Old Upside Down Home

The cork was popped at the Real Estate Legal Services conference room again today when two very conscientious clients, husband and wife, both defense contractors who need to maintain a high credit rating for their respective security clearances, were able to jettison their upside down home in a short sale and simultaneously close with a…


Rejoice and Be Exceedingly Glad. A fresh start may come sooner than you think!

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/16/us-housing-borrowers-idUSBRE84F04Y20120516 Very encouraging article in Reuters today about how quickly some “victims” of financial failure have been able to turn their lives around and buy a new home after a short sale. Actual statistics are not yet available nor can an exact amount of recovery time be quantified, but if you are facing a no…