
Why Sell a Perfectly Good Home?

Many thanks to Hampton Roads Realtor, Dennis Blackmore, Dennis Blackmore 757-343-4949 dennis@757home.com http://www.757home.com for providing the top 5 reasons for buying or selling a home: First-time homebuyers often buy a “starter” home perfectly sized for two.  However, when their family starts to grow by one or two kids, the walls can close in. When kids…


Hack Upon Hack

By now you have probably heard that Equifax was hacked by cyber criminals several months ago.   They were kind enough to alert the public that the event happened nearly a month after they discovered the breach.  Over 148,000,000 people are likely affected. As if having your personal information, including SSN, DOB, addresses and credit card…


Reality and the Internet

Researching who you hire was once almost entirely a “word of mouth” affair.   Then came the Yellow Pages.  Mix in a little TV, print media, radio, mailers, and basically, any service provider could initiate their own “word of mouth”, self-aggrandizing recommendation. Fast forward to the age of the internet.  The emphasis these days is on…