
Will 2021 continue the Safe Harbor for forgiven debt?

https://www.nolo.com/legal-updates/mortgage-forgiveness-tax-break-extended-through-2020.html For homeowners who experienced the mixed blessing of completing a short sale in 2020, and had mortgage debt forgiven, the need not include the cancelled debt amount in the income for federal tax purposes. Please read the fine print in an article by Attorney Amy Loftsgordon entitled: Mortgage Forgiveness Tax Break Extended Through 2020….


A Great Reminder to be Grateful on Thanksgiving

https://thenationalrealestatepost.com/from-grace-to-entitlement/ Thanks Brian and Frank and the National Real Estate Post  team.  Great Reminder. From all of us at Anderson & Pittman, to all of the folks without whom we couldn’t have helped put some many homeowner’s into the American Dream. .  . . Thank you! Thanks to the title examiners, the appraisers, the credit…


Buy Fresh, Buy Local

Imelda Marcos has nothing on me when it comes to shoe fetishes.   My compulsion is to constantly replace my tennis shoes.   Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Head, Wilson, Babolat . . . they must invest huge sums in the technology to expedite the breakdown of the cushioning in the sole of the shoe.    But I digress….


Creative Down Payments

The big news in the last few years has been that many 20 and 30 somethings have a different priority and value system when it comes to home ownership than their parents had.    Low and Behold, home ownership has moved up the Millennial priority list!  There is a shift of attitude happening statistically and the…


Sales Procrastination? Consider Your Timing

So you know you need to sell your home.  The reasons are many.   The alibis for procrastination are also many. Sometimes procrastination works in your favor.   Low priority things that you ignore long enough may eventually become altogether unnecessary.    How high a priority is it to sell your home? Once you find the motivation and…


The Opportunity Cost of Home Ownership

Some might think me crazy, being a person whose livelihood depends largely on commerce in real estate.   But it has to be acknowledged!   There is an opportunity cost to being a homeowner.  I have been a homeowner since I got out of school and found a seller crazy enough to owner finance my first home…