
Great Advice for Self-Employed Mortgage Shoppers

Ever since the knee jerk reaction to the crash of  Oh Eight, self-employed borrowers have often been intimidated away from  the mortgage application process. Despite self-employed (the “gig economy”) vocations growing as a market segment, Fear and trepidation have caused a significant 10 year drop off of self-employed applications for home loans.  Dodd-Frank, the 900…


Do I have to Die to get out of my Timeshare?

Yes and No!    Dying does relieve you personally from having to ever pay another penny for your Timeshare or another maintenance fee.  However, your heirs may not appreciate the fact that your estate remains liable for these sorts of contractual obligations and it may affect the legacy that you leave to the next generation. It…


Why “Turbo-Title”?

People Die.  Statutes of Limitation Run Out.   Loan Commitments Expire.   Creditor companies go out of business.   Witnesses relocate.  Co-Owners become estranged and quit cooperating.  Foreclosing Trustees refuse to postpone auctions.   Memories fade. All these realities added together make a pretty compelling reason to know about and start fixing possible title problems at the earliest possible…


True Life Borrowing Experiences

This is an actual email from a real life potential client: “Subject: Consultation for Mortgage inquiry To whom it may concern, I was wondering if it would be possible to set up an initial consultation in person, regarding an issue that I am having with understanding my rights as a first time home-buyer.  I am…