
Essential Factor in Stress Reduction and Successful Short Sales – a Good Realtor

Perhaps no other profession in North America is in more dire need of respect and appreciation than that of realtor/real estate agent.

Setting aside the jokes about the world’s 2nd oldest profession, even early caveman needed an “MLS” and an efficient way to evaluate all  the important aspects of a prospective cave’s suitability to the needs of his family unit.   Is the property served by municipal utilities? (access to nearby streams and bush groupings giving privacy while squatting but still allowing one to maintain a lookout)  What are the local employment opportunities?  (proximity to watering holes, goat paths, and tar pits for hunting)   Was the homestead defensible against those seemingly relentless Neanderthals?  (tactfully giving information on ‘hoods’ to avoid while never, ever “redlining” or speaking of impermissible things or actually discriminating against Neanderthals)   Lest anyone think me racist, I just had my DNA analyzed and it contained a substantial Neanderthal component.   How is the school system?  (knowing whether the tribal matriarch or medicine woman taught the children useful information for obtaining good college scholarships, i.e. surviving past age 30, or whether the witch had imbibed too much of her own medicine).   Statistics are hard to come by on this matter, but I suspect that teaching and realtoring went hand in hand.  The local medicine matriarch often did double duty as an Exist Realty Broker.   Do more than just survive!  Exist!

Fast forwarding to today’s market . . .  how important is finding the right realtor in accomplishing a successful and relatively stress free short sale?

One famous Virginia realtor who often teaches continuing education for the cause says:  “Anyone can do the 3 P’s of a listing – Place a listing in the MLS; Put a sign in the yard; and Pray.”  But it sometimes requires a very special skill set to finish the job.   Said another agent we are blessed to work with upon completing the sale of a property this week after an 18 month time on market:   “I am not believing what I had to do over there [at the property the day before closing].   . . .[not only were my seller’s taking forever to move out but]  the buyer’s agent came to the property drunk or at least drinking last night, trying to snag sellers things, I had to call the police on him, the buyer’s agent got a Breathalyzer, and cop had to call for back up,  . . .  [I was]  there ‘til midnight and back there again at 7 am.  It has been a CRAZY transaction. . . . [no one would believe the condition of the place]  I should have taken pictures of the rooms. Imagine a house with hound dogs and chain smoking cigarettes and no one has vacuumed or scrubbed anything in 3 years.”

No names will be revealed in this blog to protect the innocent, but feel free to add your comments or descriptions of your own experiences!    So as far as a good skill set to look for in your agent, I have a top ten list of recommendations:

10.   Black Belt, Concealed Carry Permit, or at least having the police on speed dial;

9.  Assertive Personality;

8.   Good listener;

7.  Understands both homeowners and investors in the purchase market;

6.  Stays involved in the transaction even after the contract is signed, e.g., attends walk-through, checks on the mortgage loan progress of the buyer or verifies the funds available;

5.  Caring and compassionate, but still appreciates a good and well earned commission;

4.  Sees the big picture but detail oriented and organized;

3.  Always helpful and resourceful, but also respects boundaries and the fact that some attempts at micromanagement of others can be counterproductive;

2.  Experienced and proactive.  Having seen (or heard about through good training) the pitfalls of your type of listing they are able to anticipate issues and prevent train wrecks; and

1.  Works with a good team of fellow professionals such as experienced attorneys who specialize in short sale negotiations.

Please do not hesitate to ask us for recommendations of excellent agents to interview to handle the special challenges of your Listing!

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