
Virginia Voter Information!

This year’s (11-8-16!!) ballot has the potential to be a little more complex than usual.   In my city there is a referendum on Light Rail, a question on exempting widows of First Responders killed in the line of duty from real estate taxes, and a constitutional amendment on keeping Virginia a “Right to Work”…


Why “Turbo-Title”?

People Die.  Statutes of Limitation Run Out.   Loan Commitments Expire.   Creditor companies go out of business.   Witnesses relocate.  Co-Owners become estranged and quit cooperating.  Foreclosing Trustees refuse to postpone auctions.   Memories fade. All these realities added together make a pretty compelling reason to know about and start fixing possible title problems at the earliest possible…


Fear Mongering to Motivate Home Ownership?

The ever entertaining and thought provoking NREP (National Real Estate Post), formerly known as TBWS (Think Big Work Small) challenges our national leadership and loan regulators to promote home ownership by easing qualification regulations.  /Shocking Zillow Renter Report The NREP blog also points out that the 50 year low in the home ownership index  may…


Why can’t I let my brother in law negotiate my short sale? He is a realtor after all!

Kudos to one of our legal network affiliates of Attorney Short Sale Negotiators who answered this question as succinctly and accurately as you could ever ask: Should real estate agents negotiate short sales? No.  Absolutely not.  It is replete with legal issues, risks, deficiency issues (amounting to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of…


Dare To Own The Dream

Newsflash!    HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development) has declared June as National Home Ownership Month! Some believe the hype is a way of trying to generate better economic figures and arguments for the incumbent party to convince voters that the incumbent party deserves another four years in the White House. According to DS…


The Decade After

In the past roughly ten years, emphasis on roughly, nearly ten million (10,000,000) American homes were lost in foreclosure, short sales or deeds in lieu of foreclosure!   While our current tepid recovery continues at an underwhelming pace, there is clearly a lack of enthusiasm for home ownership.    The “American Dream” seems out of reach to…


True Life Borrowing Experiences

This is an actual email from a real life potential client: “Subject: Consultation for Mortgage inquiry To whom it may concern, I was wondering if it would be possible to set up an initial consultation in person, regarding an issue that I am having with understanding my rights as a first time home-buyer.  I am…


Good News Comes Early This Year

Rather than the White Knuckle Ride of 2014, Congress and the President appear to be treating short selling home owners in 2015 to a White Christmas.  The black mark of debt forgiveness is being washed clean, at least for tax purposes.    For those successfully completing a short sale of their primary residence  in 2015…