
One of The Three Best!

Hate to Brag, but I blame YOU!   Top 3 Real estate lawyers Virginia Beach, VA Charles D. Pittman Congratulations!  You are now listed as one of the Top 3 Real estate lawyers in Virginia Beach, VA. We would like to Thank You for providing consistent high quality in your area of business. Our review…


Solar Energy Adds Value

Christine Parrish, Another Friend of our Firm submitted this very informative article article on Solar Energy, the Pros, Cons, and ways it affects the value of your real estate investment  (Let us know if you’d like to submit an article to this blog for consideration and republication!) Dear Charlie, In many parts of the U.S.,…


Virginia Voter Information!

This year’s (11-8-16!!) ballot has the potential to be a little more complex than usual.   In my city there is a referendum on Light Rail, a question on exempting widows of First Responders killed in the line of duty from real estate taxes, and a constitutional amendment on keeping Virginia a “Right to Work”…


Fear Mongering to Motivate Home Ownership?

The ever entertaining and thought provoking NREP (National Real Estate Post), formerly known as TBWS (Think Big Work Small) challenges our national leadership and loan regulators to promote home ownership by easing qualification regulations.  /Shocking Zillow Renter Report The NREP blog also points out that the 50 year low in the home ownership index  may…


Short Selling in Divorce

For most divorces, a driving objective is closure.   One or both of the parties has generally reached the state of being “over it”.   Child custody, division of assets, and support issues are challenging.   But there is another issue which can rain frustration on a divorce like a monsoon, and that is the disposition of real…